

Who's on Donald Trump's legal team? Meet the attorneys representing Trump.


A grim-faced Donald Trump sat in a Manhattan courtroom surrounded by his team of attorneys Tuesday,聽making history as the first former president to face criminal charges.

Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts for 聽allegedly falsifying business records associated with hush money payments to several people. Trump鈥檚 arraignment followed his indictment by a Manhattan grand jury last week聽related to the hush money payments.

聽Trump's lawyers said he was determined to fight the case.聽

"He's frustrated, he's upset," attorney Todd Blanche told reporters in New York. "It's not going to stop him."

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Todd Blanche

Former President Donald Trump sits at the defense table with his defense team in a Manhattan court, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in New York.

The Trump campaign hired Todd Blanche, an experienced white-collar defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor, to be a聽part of Trump鈥檚聽legal counsel on April 3 鈥撀爐he eve of Trump's arraignment.

Blanche's past clients include Paul Manafort, Trump鈥檚 former campaign manager, and Igor Fruman, a Rudy Guliani associate who pleaded guilty to a campaign finance scheme in 2021.

Manafort was charged in New York on similar fraud offenses that were the basis of two prior聽convictions in federal court. He had been accused in a 16-count indictment of defrauding聽banks of more than $1 million by submitting false financial statements when applying for residential mortgage loans.聽

Blanche led the legal team that won the dismissal of the state fraud charges in 2019. Trump also聽pardoned Manafort in 2020 on federal charges.聽

Susan Necheles

Susan Necheles acted as a defense lawyer representing the Trump Corporation during a criminal tax fraud trial of two of Trump's companies in 2022.

She was also a former counsel to Venero Mangano, the former Genovese crime family underboss known as Benny Eggs, according to the

Necheles told reporters that the indictment was "unjustified."

Joe Tacopina

One of Trump鈥檚 more outspoken lawyers is Joe Tacopina, who has done multiple television interviews vigorously defending the former president.

鈥淭oday鈥檚 unsealing of this indictment shows that the rule of law died in this country,鈥 Tacopina told reporters in New York Tuesday after Trump鈥檚 arraignment.

Tacopina has represented multiple high-profile clients, including Michael Jackson and Sean Hannity. This also isn鈥檛 his first time working in the Trump world either, as he represented Donald Trump Jr.鈥檚 fiance虂e, Kimberly Guilfoyle, before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 attacks.

Contributing: Kevin Johnson, David Jackson